Knowledge Base

Why is the town converting to LED street lights?

Category: Facilities
Converting to LED street lights will result in a 50-80% reduction in energy usage from the current technology and significant utility and maintenance savings annually. Between the purchase of our lights and the retrofit to LED, the Town stands to save roughly $100,000 per year in maintenance and energy use. LED lights are more expensive, but can last 20 years, so the investment will be paid back by these savings and reduced maintenance costs in under 5 years In addition to the extended lifecycle and lower replacement costs, LEDs result in reduced light pollution at night and improved and more uniform light quality. Because they use less energy, LEDs also help to reduce carbon emissions. LEDs also make colors look brighter and more “true” to natural color. Due to the improved color rendition things appear brighter and sharper under LEDs which is why police and other safety personnel prefer LEDs.
Updated 6/25/2019 11:15 AM
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