
Can I do my own plumbing and gas fitting work?
Can I install my own generator?
Can I plant on the landscaped traffic island?
Can I run a business out of my home?
Can you tell me if this lot is "buildable"? What is a “hundred-percent-upland” rule?
Do all building permits require zoning approval?
Do I need a permit to put up a fence?
Do I need an electrical permit for an above-ground pool?
How can I acquire a building permit?
How can I acquire an occupancy permit?
How can I apply for a variance?
How can I change the zoning classification for my property?
How can I check if my property has an occupancy permit?
How can I check what my property is zoned as?
How can I find out if a property has a valid building permit?
How can I get a permit for a tent?
How can I request an inspection for a building, electrical, plumbing, gas or mechanical permit?
How do I report a Town code violation?
How do I report an abandoned vehicle?
How do I use the Online Permit Center if I am a contractor?
How do I use the Online Permit Center if I am a home owner?
If my property is listed in the Ballardvale Historic District , how does that affect my Building Permit application?
Is the permit issued by the Conservation Commission the same as a building permit?
May I report a code violation anonymously?
What are the different zoning categories and what is allowed in them?
What are the zoning setbacks for a pool (above ground pool, shed, etc.)? Do I need a fence around the pool?
What is an occupancy permit?
What is the Building Division?
What is the Department of Community Development & Planning?
What is the Preservation Commission?
What is the Zoning Board of Appeals?
What renovations do not require a building permit (residential or commercial)?
Where can I find building permits that have been issued?
Where can I learn about current town projects?

Sign Complaint

How do I report a Town code violation?

Zoning Complaint

How do I report a Town code violation?

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