Ask Us/General FAQs

Does my dog need to be licensed?
How are local real estate taxes assessed?
How do I enroll my child into the school system?
How many schools does Andover have?
What activities are allowed on Haggett's Pond?
Where can I apply for a job?
Where can I find a list of dining options in Andover?
Where can I find collective bargaining agreements?
Where can I find the school department's budget?
Where can I find town and school employee policies?
Where can I learn more about employee benefits?


Can I do my own plumbing and gas fitting work?
Can I install my own generator?
Can I plant on the landscaped traffic island?
Can I run a business out of my home?
Can you tell me if this lot is "buildable"? What is a “hundred-percent-upland” rule?
Do all building permits require zoning approval?
Do I need a permit to put up a fence?
Do I need an electrical permit for an above-ground pool?
How can I acquire a building permit?
How can I acquire an occupancy permit?
How can I apply for a variance?
How can I change the zoning classification for my property?
How can I check if my property has an occupancy permit?
How can I check what my property is zoned as?
How can I find out if a property has a valid building permit?
How can I get a permit for a tent?
How can I request an inspection for a building, electrical, plumbing, gas or mechanical permit?
How do I report a Town code violation?
How do I report an abandoned vehicle?
How do I use the Online Permit Center if I am a contractor?
How do I use the Online Permit Center if I am a home owner?
If my property is listed in the Ballardvale Historic District , how does that affect my Building Permit application?
Is the permit issued by the Conservation Commission the same as a building permit?
May I report a code violation anonymously?
What are the different zoning categories and what is allowed in them?
What are the zoning setbacks for a pool (above ground pool, shed, etc.)? Do I need a fence around the pool?
What is an occupancy permit?
What is the Building Division?
What is the Department of Community Development & Planning?
What is the Preservation Commission?
What is the Zoning Board of Appeals?
What renovations do not require a building permit (residential or commercial)?
Where can I find building permits that have been issued?
Where can I learn about current town projects?

Community Services - Elder Services

How do I dispose of unwanted needles or syringes?
How do I learn more about programs and services offered by Elder Services?
I would like to volunteer to help out with elder services, what can I do?
What do I do if I think someone should not be driving?
What is the Elder Services Division?

Community Services - Recreational Services

Does the town offer any after school programs?
Is there a public swimming area in town?
What activities are allowed on Haggett's Pond?
What is the Recreation Division?

Community Services - Veterans Services

Does the Town offer any tax abatement programs?
Does the Town offer any tax relief programs?
How do I find out more about benefits for Veterans?
What do I do if I think someone should not be driving?
What is CodeRED?
What is the Community Services Department?
What is the Veteran Services Office?
What programs or services are available to seniors?
What should I do if I don't receive a CodeRED message?

Community Services - Youth Services

Does the Town offer any youth sports leagues?
Does the town offer community support services?
Does the town offer summer camps?
What is Andover Youth Services?
What is the Andover Youth Foundation?
What is the Cormier Youth Center?


Can I plant on the landscaped traffic island?
Does the Town have any dog parks?
How can I obtain copies of MassDEP regulations and/or the Local Wetland By-Law?
How do I get in touch with the Conservation Commission to make my concerns known or ask questions?
I am looking at a house for sale. Can you tell me if there are any wetlands?
If I am requesting to do work in the 100-Foot Buffer Zone, how do I obtain a permit from Conservation?
Is the permit issued by the Conservation Commission the same as a building permit?
What activities are allowed on Haggett's Pond?
What is the Conservation Division?
What is the Department of Community Development & Planning?
What is the difference between a wetland and conservation land?
Where can I launch my canoe or kayak in the Shawsheen River?
Who should I call about downed trees?


A piece of the playground is broken, who do I contact?
Can I drop off leaves or brush anywhere in town?
Does Andover use solar power?
How can a streetlight be repaired?
How do I rent the function hall in the Old Town Hall?
What is the Department of Facilities?
Where can I find out more about the Ballardvare Fire Station project?
Where can I learn about current town projects?
Where do I find information about the compost site?
Who do I call if a street light is out?
Who fixes broken lighting in town and public buildings?
Who is responsible for mananging energy use for the town?
Why is the town converting to LED street lights?

Finance - Accounting

What is the Accounting office responsible for?
What is the Finance and Budget Department?

Finance - Assessor

Are taxes billed on a calendar or fiscal year?
Does the Town offer any tax abatement programs?
Does the Town offer any tax relief programs?
How are local real estate taxes assessed?
How can I determine who owns a piece of property?
How do I appeal my assessment?
What is an abatement?
What is the Assessors office responsible for?
What is the Finance and Budget Department?
Where can I find my property records?
Who manages the town's budget?

Finance - Central Purchasing

How can I become notified of when a IFB or RFP is posted?
How can I view current open bids?
How do I obtain a Vendor list for a particular bid?
I have been involved in an accident that occurred on Town land or on/in Town property? How do I report this and file a claim to seek reimbursement for my loss?
What is the Central Purchasing office responsible for?
What is the Finance and Budget Department?
When can I pick up a bid/solicitation?

Finance - Treasurer - Tax Collector

Are taxes billed on a calendar or fiscal year?
Can I pay my real estate taxes by credit card?
Does the Town offer any tax abatement programs?
Does the Town offer any tax relief programs?
How are local real estate taxes assessed?
How can I challenge a parking ticket?
How do I get a Municipal Lien Certificate?
How do I get a receipt for my paid local taxes?
How do I get certification that my taxes have been paid?
How do I make my check payable for my Town real estate taxes?
How do I pay my sewer/water bill?
How or where can I pay for my parking tickets?
I’m refinancing my home, how do I prove my taxes were paid?
I’m selling my home, how do I prove my taxes were paid?
What are Andover's Tax rates?
What is an abatement?
What is the Finance and Budget Department?
What is the Treasurer/Collector Division responsible for?
When are my Real Estate Taxes Due?
When are refunds issued?
When will I receive my water bill?
Where do I pay Excise bills?

Fire Rescue

Can I perform Community Service at the fire station or through the fire department?
Can I schedule a visit to the fire station or schedule fire personnel to visit us?
Can the fire department fill private swimming pools/dunk tanks with water?
Can the fire department unlock my car if I leave my keys inside?
Does Andover Fire Rescue inspect child car safety seats?
How big is Andover Fire Rescue?
How can I contact Andover Fire Rescue?
How can I get a smoke or carbon monoxide inspection?
How do I register for CodeRED?
How do I report a leaking or broken fire hydrant?
How do I use the Online Permit Center if I am a contractor?
How do I use the Online Permit Center if I am a home owner?
How does CodeRED work?
How will I benefit from the CodeRED service?
What can I do with an old fire extinguisher?
What do I have to do to receive the CodeRED benefit?
What does the emergency medical services department do?
What if I do not want to be on the CodeRED calling list?
What is the Andover Fire Rescue?
What is the Fire Prevention Division?
What should I do if I receive a CodeRED message?
Where are the fire stations in town?
Where can I find out more about the Ballardvare Fire Station project?
Where can I get a permit for things related to fire?
Who can I contact for questions regarding alarm permits?
Who do I contact if a fire started and I'm not sure why?
Why are fire engines used to block lanes on the highway when there is an emergency?
Why does a fire engine come when I call for an ambulance?
Will I be charged for false alarms?
Will the CodeRED system work with cellular phones?

General Questions

Is hunting allowed in Andover?


Does my cat have to be licensed?
How do I connect to the municipal sewer system?
How do I dispose of unwanted needles or syringes?
How do I get a copy of where my septic system is located on my property?
How do I learn more about housing opportunities for Seniors?
How do I use the Online Permit Center if I am a contractor?
How do I use the Online Permit Center if I am a home owner?
How long is my Title 5 Inspection good for?
I am thinking about opening a restaurant. How do I go about it?
I need a Title 5 Inspector. How do I find one?
I want to open a home based business that involves food sales. What do I need to be concerned about?
I want to start catering out of my home. How do I go about becoming licensed?
What activities are allowed on Haggett's Pond?
What are the requirements if I want to set up a mobile food cart?
What do I do if my neighbor has a rodent problem?
What is the Department of Community Development & Planning?
What is the Health Division?
Who can I call about smoking in my workplace?

Library Inquiry

I have a question about the library.

Locations of canoe and kayak launches

Where can I launch my canoe or kayak in the Shawsheen River?

Planning & Economic Development

Can I plant on the landscaped traffic island?
Does the Town offer any loans for businesses?
Does the Town offer any loans for home improvement?
Does the Town offer any programs to help fund the construction or purchase of a new home?
How can I change the zoning classification for my property?
How can I find out more about a proposed project that is before the Planning Board?
What is the Department of Community Development & Planning?
What is the Planning Board?
What is the Planning Division?
What should I do about consolidating or subdividing my property?
Where can I learn about current town projects?

Police Department

Am I permitted to park on a Town street during a snow event?
Can I get my fingerprinting done at the police station?
Can I locate Town parking lots online?
Can I obtain a copy of a criminal record?
Can someone inspect my child's car seat?
Do I have to report a car accident?
Does my dog have to wear a leash?
How can I contact Animal Control?
How can I contact the Andover Police Department?
How can I hire a Police Detail for a special event?
How can I trap wild animals on my property?
How do I dispose of unwanted needles or syringes?
How do I register for CodeRED?
How do I report an abandoned vehicle?
How does CodeRED work?
How large is the police force?
How will I benefit from the CodeRED service?
If I am going on vacation can the police check on my house?
Is the police department accredited?
What are the penalities for someone with a Junior Operators License (JOL)?
What are the requirements if I want to set up a mobile food cart?
What are the rules for carrying firearms in town?
What do I do if I think someone should not be driving?
What do I have to do to receive the CodeRED benefit?
What if I do not want to be on the CodeRED calling list?
What should I do if I receive a CodeRED message?
What should I do if my credit card gets stolen?
Where should I look for information during storms?
Who do I contact if my car is towed?
Who should I call about downed electrical wires?
Who should I call about downed trees?
Will the CodeRED system work with cellular phones?

Public Meeting and Agenda Notification

> How do I sign up to get meeting notifications and agendas?

Public Works Department

Can I plant on the landscaped traffic island?
How can I rent the Town parks?
How do I connect to the municipal sewer system?
How do I get a "Remote Meter"?
How do I submit a public works request?
How is Andover's water treated?
Is there rules to what I can bring to the cemetery?
What happens to trash and recycling pickup if there is inclement weather?
What is a District Metering Area (DMA)?
Where can I learn about current town projects?
Where should I look for information during storms?
Who should I call about downed electrical wires?
Who should I call about downed trees?
Why does the snowplow driver fill up my driveway?
Why is it that I see snowplows and sander trucks going past my house that are not plowing or sanding?
Why is my neighbor in a different DMA than me?

Sign Complaint

How do I report a Town code violation?

Town Clerk

Does my cat have to be licensed?
Does my dog need to be licensed?
Does my pet need a rabies vaccination?
How can I change the zoning classification for my property?
How can I check which voting precinct I’m in?
How do I get a dog license?
How do I get a marriage license?
How do I get an absentee ballot?
How is a person recognized to speak at Town Meeting?
How to attend Town Meeting?
What are the rules for carrying firearms in town?
What is the Town Clerk’s Office?
Where can I find a notary?
Where can I get a birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate or other vital records?

Town Manager's Office

Can I plant on the landscaped traffic island?
Do I need a permit for a special event?
How can I buy land or property from the Town?
How can I determine who owns a piece of property?
How do I get the Andover Central Mobile App?
How do I register for CodeRED?
How does CodeRED work?
How will I benefit from the CodeRED service?
I have been involved in an accident that occurred on Town land or on/in Town property? How do I report this and file a claim to seek reimbursement for my loss?
What activities are allowed on Haggett's Pond?
What do I have to do to receive the CodeRED benefit?
What if I do not want to be on the CodeRED calling list?
What is Andover Television?
What is the Selectboard in charge of?
What is the Town Manager's Office?
What permits do I need for a block party?
What should I do if I receive a CodeRED message?
When will Halloween Trick or Treating be held?
Where can I find out more about the Ballardvare Fire Station project?
Where can I find the town's annual budget?
Where can I learn about current town projects?
Where should I look for information during storms?
Who approves the budgets?
Who should I call about downed electrical wires?
Who should I call about downed trees?
Will the CodeRED system work with cellular phones?

Zoning Complaint

How do I report a Town code violation?

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